Reuters is reporting that many of America’s major brands have been quietly tweaking their coffee blends. While most coffee companies consider their blends trade secrets, and are loath to disclose exactly what goes into them, both circumstantial and direct evidence suggests they’re now substituting lower-grade Robusta beans for some of their pricier Arabica, and degrading the quality of our coffee.
La domanda dell'arabica è così calata del 27% a dispetto della Robusta invece aumentata di un 25%
Research out of agricultural bank Rabobank confirms that demand for Arabica beans among coffee buyers “has fallen 27% year-to-date, while Robusta [demand] is 25% higher.” This seems to confirm a widespread alteration of the bean mix.
adesso iniziano i produttori di birra ad abbassare la qualità dei loro prodotti per restare competitivi,
L'Heineken ha aumentato il prezzo della birra di un 2,5% riducendo la quantità di alcool dello 0,2%, hanno dato la "colpa" all'aumento dei costi doganali, dei costi energetici e delle materie prime tra cui l'orzo.
Heineken, which is also raising the cost of the famous bitter by about 2.5 pence a pint,
“Extensive research conducted with retailers and consumers consistently confirmed that a 0.2 percent reduction in [alcohol content] does not compromise on the taste and quality,” a Heineken U.K. spokesman said.Heineken blamed the rising cost of energy and ingredients such as barley – as well as higher beer duty – for the increase.
link: liberty blitz krieg
Ricapitoliamo il giro per chi avesse ancora qualche dubbio
A) le banche falliscono
B) gli stati salvano le banche con i nostri soldi (tasse)
C) le banche una volta ricapitalizzate torneranno a prestarci i nostri soldi svalutati dall'inflazione