Uno studio dell'Università del Massachusetts del 2009 ha scoperto che il 90% delle banconote in circolazione negli Usa riporta tracce di Cocaina (per l'Europa ricordo che la città con il più alto consumo pro capite è Milano seguita da Londra).
Le quantità si aggirano dagli 0.006 grammi agli 1.24 grammi per banconota (in aumento del 20% dallo studio precedente del 2007).
Così nel 2008 Francesco Morackini ha pensato ad una macchina che potesse "pulire" e distillare la coca da queste banconote.
Un misto tra una fotocopiatrice ed una lavanderia.
Ed ecco il risultato:
a study conducted in 2009 by chemist yuegang zuo from the university of massachusetts
revealed that up to 90% of banknotes in the united states contain traces of cocaine —
from between 0.006 micrograms to 1.24 micrograms per bill. zuo’s research confirmed
that there was an increase of 20% of the quantity coke transported on paper money compared to
an earlier study in 2007.
MO-CLEAN/14 aka. ‘the banker’ is mean to reference a standard copy machine you would find
in any corporate office
in 2008, following these statistics, francesco morackini responded to these numbers
by developing a complex machine in the form of ‘MO-CLEAN/14 aka. the banker’
which at its essence, automatically and systematically detects traces of cocaine
from banknotes. he has further developed the concept now by unassumingly giving it the
form of a standard office copy or distributor machine one would find at their local bank branch.
the device encompasses five different functions housed within the appliance: banknote counting
machine; banknote cleaning machine; centrifuge; high performance liquid chromatograph
(HPLC) and mas-spectrometer.
the appliance houses five functions in order to distill the cocaine down to a purity of 99%
the bills are placed within the counting machine which are then scanned and cleaned
through the use of solvents. the extracted substances are then distributed into a centrifuge
and divided according to their varying densities. at this phase, the cocaine is then transferred
into the HPLC unit, separating the matter and ejecting it into the MS control unit. in this final
step the various components detected in the HPLC are separated and controlled, finally deliver
99% pure cocaine crystals.
‘MO-CLEAN/14 aka. ‘the banker” is all about taking the business of banking to new highs.
breakdown of functions
key functions
the machine counts and cleans banknotes
the traces of cocaine are distributed into a centrifuge which separates the components
in its final step, MO-CLEAN/14 aka. ‘the banker’ outputs 99% pure cocaine crystals